Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Get An Inbox! Campaign

This is another rant in my continuing struggle against Facebook status updates which gets on my nerves.

After seeing one too many mushy updates from my friends about their boyfriends and girlfriends, I started a little research in my free time and came across this term.

"Get An Inbox!"

Urban Dictionary ( defines it as follows:

Derived from the expression "get a room." When couples constantly leave romantic, mushy or suggestive messages on each other's Facebook wall for everyone else to see, someone else may tell them to "get an inbox already" and carry on in private.

Sadie: I love you SO FUCKING MUCH ahhhhhhh Im gonna die from how much I love you <3 <3 <3

Ian: me too bby

Me: holy shit guys, get an inbox

We may live in an era where the Kardashian sisters can be famous for being famous, no discernible talent and with the help of a devious little 21st century tool called the sex tape, but this type of over-exposure by the ordinary Joes and Janes needs to be curtailed right in its bud.
If you are guilty of the above, I plead for you to recognise the calamitous amount of your friends' hair that you are making stand on their ends, a condition known as "horripilation".
If you are a victim of horripilation, join me in my campaign to clean up Facebook, and to denounce the practice of excessive gushing and mushy lovey dovey messages which shows up on your news feed.
Please make a substantial donation to me while I take time off work to draft a memorandum to be submitted to the Agong, with the ultimate objective to pass a legislation in Parliment prohibiting such messages in the public domain.
Join the Get An Inbox! campaign, today!

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