Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Mini Tale From Belum: The Lake Temenggor Monster

The monster of Lake Temenggor is a fan of the Sleeping Buddha.

Remember that, the next time you dare venture into the emerald waters of his kingdom.

It was an uneventful day when we set out on our daily trips to the local river soup kitchen for our one meal a day, on our home made raft, known in local lingo as "rakit". We are poor that way...

Our faithful old raft - nicknamed Batmobile after another old rickety...
my black Myvi.

On the way, we decided to play the game "Sleeping Buddha or Victoria Secret".

The only difference between Sleeping Buddha and Victoria Secret
is the placement of your right arm.

I chose Victoria Secret.

Wrong choice.

The monster emerged unannounced from the deepest depth of the lake, and flipped us over as easily as one flips a booger after rolling it into the shape of a cannonball.

Strange how a monster of the deep needs a life jacket too.

Within seconds I found myself neck deep in water, at the mercy of the merciless beast.

My safety rakit only inches away from my flapping arms.

I was determined to not breathe my last inhaling the toxic fumes emanating from the lake, a result of the monster's obvious poor hygiene.

Note to self: Add a ladder at the side of the rakit

Just when I thought I was doomed, the monster decided not to consume me in view of his current low-fat diet.

I was NOT a happy camper..I mean, rafter, or rakiteer, up up
here we go

I survived to raft another day.

Who says being fat doesn't have its advantages?


kuan choy mei said...

Shiun, enjoyed reading all that is being written. All the wonderful moments well written and recorded so that they will not fade away. the trip is so memorable with all the unexpected adventures.

christine said...

excuse me say other people are monsters but you la another merciless beast!!! go overturn us!!!!!!!

Justin said...

Aww..christ. Come on, I just didn't want you and Daniel to feel left out. Afterall, all the other cousins were soaked!