Tuesday, June 1, 2010

No offence intended...

In case any of my random blog postings offends anyone, please note that this is merely a satirical take on my views of the things that happens around me, things that I am familiar with.

It may surprise you that amongst all these negativity and ranting about what is wrong with the world and the people that inhabits it, I actually have quite a sunny disposition, and I do enjoy the times when I get to just have interesting funny conversations, share jokes, and play fun games.

So, if any of my family members, close friends, colleagues or bosses happen to chance upon something I have written and took offence to my opinions, please understand that most of them are written in jest and the irony within the context is highly exaggerated.

I do appreciate feedback and comments and the occasional jostling of ideas and opinions, so feel free to reply and respond, without fear and restriction. God knows how little people would actually read what I write.

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